What to consider when choosing a Fractional CFO

Take me for example. I am unconventional. I don't fit into one single category. I'm kind of blended.

I have one foot in Accounting, one in Financial planning & Analysis (FP&A), and one in Audit.

So Accountants will think I am not entirely one of their own. Same for FPAs and Auditors.

I am a licensed CPA which means I am a numbers detective.

When I do planning such as budgeting, forecasts, and financial modelling, I'm the forward-looking advisor.

I am also an Auditor and as such I’m the guardian who spots holes.

Each discipline requires a unique skill set. It's like having a panoramic view of your business.

In short, it helps me bring a fresh perspective, connect dots others might not see, drive success in a way that breaks the mold.

I feel I think differently. And sometimes, it makes me think I am different. Others might not accept me. So it can be a very lonely place.

But I still encourage you to explore the intersections. Who knows, maybe one day they'll all come together.

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