Financial Dashboard

As a business owner, each month you should:

  • Track your revenue, profit and cash so you know where you stand.

  • Spot variations so you can head off oddities before they become problems.

  • Track expenses so you can monitor spending and see unexpected purchases.

I created this free Financial Dashboard so you can do all of this with ease!

What you get

An Excel sheet (or Google Doc) pre-populated with the formulas you need for smart calculations.

Definitions of keywords like revenue, profit, gross, net, and more, so we’re speaking the same language.

A ready-to-use tool that you can start benefiting from immediately.

You can input your own data and see visuals of your financial performance.

Customizable document to fit your changing needs.

About me

I’m Elisabeth and I help business owners go from disorganized, confused, and chaotic to structured, clear, and empowered around your finances.

When we’re done, you’ll feel calm and confident about your business, knowing it’s on the right track to make the impact you want. Welcome.

Download this free Financial Dashboard so you can

  • Track your financial performance over time so you know where you stand.

  • Spot variations so you can head off oddities before they become problems.

  • Track expenses so you can monitor spending and see unexpected purchases.